Dear Actionmarguerite Families,

COVID-19 Update #9 – January 14, 2022

Actionmarguerite St. Boniface, Actionmarguerite St. Joseph, Actionmarguerite St. Vital

At Actionmarguerite, we continue to find ways to respond to the presence of the virus in our homes. Our leadership team, employees and physicians keep stepping up even through the fatigue. We’ve received numerous messages from families and our community acknowledging this difficult time and encouraging us to continue.

Today, we share the following update:

Outbreak status

Actionmarguerite St. Boniface

  • Outbreaks are active on 2ABC, 3ABC, 4ABC, 5ABC, 2DE and 4DE.
  • Nine (9) residents have been deemed recovered.
  • An additional thirty-four (34) residents have tested positive for a total of fifty-eight (58) active cases. It is important to note that twenty-eight (28) of the 58 active cases are residents who live on 2DE. They were found to be positive following the proactive testing of all residents, even if the majority were asymptomatic.
  • Fifty-seven (57) staff members have tested positive; 48 of them have since recovered.

Actionmarguerite St. Vital

  • Two (2) units have active outbreaks (2nd floor & 3rd floor).
  • One (1) death has been linked to an outbreak.
  • Sixteen (16) residents have been deemed recovered.
  • Three (3) additional residents have tested positive for a total of eleven (11) active cases.
  • Twenty (20) staff members have tested positive; fifteen (15) of them have since recovered.

Actionmarguerite St. Joseph

  • One (1) unit has an active outbreak (1st floor).
  • One (1) resident has been deemed recovered.
  • One (1) additional resident has tested positive for a total of three (3) active cases.
  • Fourteen (14) staff members have tested positive; eight (8) of them have since recovered.

As is evident, the transmission of the virus has reached unprecedented levels in our community and Actionmarguerite has not been spared. We remain committed to the care of all residents, and for those who are positive and symptomatic, our focus is to journey with them towards recovery.

Today, we also began welcoming back designated family caregivers (essential visitors) who had provided their name to our social work team indicating their interest in assisting with our efforts. Prior to their first visit, these essential visitors took part in an online education session on Safe Visitation During an Outbreak and were asked to sign a pledge. It is important to understand that their presence is welcome during an outbreak and that they are assisting at their own risk. If you would like your name added to the next list of essential visitors able to assist in our efforts send your contact information to:

Currently, 31/39 personal care homes in Winnipeg are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks among residents and staff. The Province is encouraging all Manitobans to proceed with their vaccination, especially the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Joss Reimer reported that those with a third dose are 26 times less likely to be hospitalized, 139 times less likely to be admitted to ICU, and 63 times less likely to die from COVID-19. Visit this interactive map for the most convenient location for you to get your vaccine.  Walk-ins are available at many locations; you can also book your appointment online or by calling 1-844-MAN-VACC (1-844-626-8222).

We remain thankful to all who are stepping up and showing up, in ways big and small, to respond to the continued presence of the virus in our community.

With respect and gratitude,

Micheline St-Hilaire, Chief Executive Officer & the entire Actionmarguerite Team