Donate now!

Your donation will improve the lives of Actionmarguerite residents. Our two foundations are Revenue Canada-registered charities that benefit and enhance the quality of life of those who make our residences their home by expanding and upgrading programs or building and renovating infrastructure.

Donate to Actionmarguerite Foundation

Donate to Friends of St. Joseph’s Residence

There are many ways to give

  • One-time gift
  • Memorial gift
  • Planned gift
  • Endowment fund (see below)

You can also donate today in person or by phone.

For donations to the Actionmarguerite Foundation or the Friends of St. Joseph’s Residence, please call (204) 233-3692, extension 643.
All gifts over $15 are tax-deductible and can be made anonymously if so desired. We accept cash, credit cards or cheques.

Our endowment funds

Actionmarguerite encourages you to give to our numerous projects, programs and initiatives at any of our long-term care facilities. Make a lasting impact by opting to dedicate your gift to any of our designated funds.

Actionmarguerite Foundation

Actionmarguerite Foundation’s General Fund accepts donations in support of the organization’s overall mission as well as donations in memory of loved ones (in memoriam). Proceeds specifically enhance the quality of life of residents at our St. Vital and St. Boniface sites, allocating resources to the development of priority projects.

The Ghislaine-Lacerte Fund finances activities and programming in french at Actionmarguerite St. Vital. Proceeds help address the ever growing need to engage and entertain residents in their first language and culture which is critical to their well-being.

The Compassion Fund was created by the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk in order to support residents living on fixed income and to offer compassion-focused training to staff. True to its core values, the fund promotes initiatives that inspire caring and empathy within the entire Actionmarguerite community.

The Enhanced Dementia Learning Fund benefits from proceeds generated by the annual First General Services golf tournament as well as other donations. Funds raised provide the means to offer specialized educational programs to staff and caregivers who support long-term care residents with special needs due to dementia.

Friends of St. Joseph’s Residence

The Spiritual Care Fund was established by the Sisters of St. Benedictine and other donors over many years. The fund promotes the pastoral programs offered at Actionmarguerite St. Joseph. Designed to reach out to residents’ spiritual needs, the fund facilitates the delivery of varied programming while recognizing each individuals’ needs, faith and spiritual traditions.

The Friends of St. Joseph’s Residence General Fund supports projects that improve the standard of living of residents. Focusing on the elderly and their well-being, the fund has helped finance a multitude of enhancements while fulfilling the organization’s mission as a provider of care and services.

Please note that for safety reasons, we cannot accept donations of used furniture, clothing and equipment.

Volunteering is also giving

You may also choose to volunteer with us. On behalf of our residents, we appreciate every contribution and we thank you.