Dear Actionmarguerite Residents and Families,

We write to you today as we enter into another holiday season marking Passover and Easter. It is also hoped that more spring-like weather will be upon us soon.

While ongoing outbreaks are stable, we learned today that a new gastrointestinal outbreak has been declared for the 1st floor at Actionmarguerite St. Vital.

Outbreak Summary for all Actionmarguerite Homes

General visits have been put on hold until further notice for the units listed below to prevent the spread of illness.

Designated family caregivers are welcome to visit at their own risk and are asked to wear a medical grade mask and eye protection at all times during your visit. Please remember to wash your hands thoroughly and often during your visit.

Actionmarguerite St. Boniface Respiratory Illness Outbreaks

3DE & 4DE

Actionmarguerite St. Vital Outbreaks

Unité Marguerite

1st Floor – NEW

3rd Floor

Actionmarguerite St. Joseph – Outbreak free

Visiting during the Easter long weekend

This time of year offers us opportunities to come together to celebrate. You may have noticed that our environments have been beautified with a change of décor. Religious services have been planned during Holy Week and residents are enjoying theme-based activities.

Visiting with family is also important at this time. We remind everyone that the respiratory illness season is not yet over. There are currently nine (9) personal care homes in Winnipeg experiencing outbreaks whether from COVID-19, the common cold, or gastrointestinal ones. We ask you to support the creation of a safe environment by adhering to the following measures when coming to Actionmarguerite.

Practices upon entry

When entering Actionmarguerite you will be responsible to:

  • self-screen yourself for symptoms of illness and not visit if you are ill;
  • sanitize your hands before and after putting on a mask;
  • put on a medical grade mask available at our entrances; and
  • sign-in and out in the visitor logbook.

Visiting hours and visiting spaces

Visiting hours are from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm daily. Up to two (2) visitors can visit a resident on the unit at any one time. Masks must be worn properly at all times during the visit.

Where space permits, visiting stations are available in some common areas. A maximum of four (4) visitors and the resident can enjoy these spaces together. Help us stop the spread of germs and continue to sanitize these spaces with the cleaning products provided.

Short stay absences and social leaves

Should you wish to explore a social leave or short stay absence with your loved one for the upcoming holidays, please reach out to your unit’s Social Worker or Manager of Resident Services.  We ask for as much advance notice as you can provide to allow for the necessary consideration of specific circumstances and planning for everyone’s safety.

 Wishing you and those around you a blessed holiday season. May you find some space to rest and renew if you are taking time away. Recognizing that we offer care 24/7, 365 days a year, we thank all of our care teams who will be attending to the people we support during this holiday season.

As always, should you have any questions, please write to

With warm regards and Easter blessings sent your way to you and yours,

Micheline St-Hilaire, CEO and the Actionmarguerite Team