Dear Actionmarguerite Residents and Families,
We are writing today with an update regarding the outbreaks in all of our homes.
The outbreak status is as follows:
Actionmarguerite St. Boniface
It is important for you to know that the ABC tower is experiencing increased COVID activity on all units. We have decided as a precautionary measure to suspend all general visits to the ABC tower. Designated family caregivers (essential visitors) are welcome to visit at their own risk and are asked to wear the personal protective equipment provided.
The outbreak on 3DE has now been declared over. All outbreaks on the DE tower have been declared over. Designated family caregivers and general visitors are welcome to visit residents on the DE tower.
Actionmarguerite St. Joseph
Unit 2 is experiencing a gastrointestinal outbreak which is currently stable. General visits are suspended until further notice. Designated family caregivers (essential visitors) are welcome to visit at their own risk and are asked to wear the personal protective equipment provided by our staff.
Actionmarguerite St. Vital
The outbreak on the 3rd floor has been declared over. General visits can resume as of now.
As you can see, the respiratory illness season continues both in our community and at Actionmarguerite. We therefore trust that we can count on your collaboration to see us through these times.
With regards,
Micheline St-Hilaire, CEO and the Actiomarguerite team