Dear Actionmarguerite Residents and Families,

We hope you are enjoying the milder weather. Today, we write to you with an update on outbreaks which include some positive news.

The outbreak status is as follows:

Actionmarguerite St. Boniface

ABC Tower: The outbreaks on units 4C and 5C have now been declared over. General visits can resume for residents living on these units.

Units 4AB and 5AB remain in outbreak. General visits are suspended on units 4AB and 5AB only. Designated family caregivers (essential visitors) are welcome to visit at their own risk and are asked to wear the personal protective equipment provided and sanitize their hands thoroughly and frequently during their visit.

DE Tower: We are happy to announce that outbreaks in the DE tower have been declared over. General visits may resume.

Actionmarguerite St. Joseph

We are happy to announce that the outbreaks on Unit 1 and 2 have been declared over. General visits may resume.

Actionmarguerite St. Vital

The outbreaks on the 2nd floor and Unité Marguerite continue and general visits are suspended for these two units. Designated family caregivers (essential visitors) are welcome to visit at their own risk and are asked to wear the personal protective equipment provided and sanitize their hands thoroughly frequently.

With regards,

Micheline St-Hilaire, Chief Executive Officer and the Actionmarguerite Team