Dear Actionmarguerite St. Vital Residents & Families,
We have learned that three (3) residents from the 3rd floor and one staff have tested positive for COVID-19 at Actionmarguerite St. Vital (450 River Road). Contact tracing is underway, and 3rd floor residents will isolate in their room and be tested for COVID-19.
Outbreak protocols have been put into effect and we are working closely with the WRHA Infection Prevention and Control Team to address our needs. We will continue to monitor all residents for signs and symptoms and reach out to families should your loved one’s condition change.
The entire facility is now on Outbreak Status on the Provincial Pandemic Response System.
All visits at Actionmarguerite St. Vital are suspended and will remain so until further notice. Exceptions will be made for compassionate and end of life reasons.
We are asking Designated Family Caregivers (Essential Visitors) to provide us with your name and contact information should you be ready and willing to support our efforts if needed (e.g. assistance at meal time). If we call upon you, this would mean that you would accept total responsibility to follow infection prevention and control measures in place upon entry into a facility with a declared outbreak. Please send your name and contact information to Lise Cloutier at We appreciate all who can be on stand-by in the event that we need to call upon your presence.
Please be assured that we continue to enact precautions and implement all procedures related to our pandemic plan.
Our goal remains to keep everyone safe. We thank you once again for your patience, understanding and cooperation as we navigate these difficult times.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
With regards,
Micheline St-Hilaire, Chief Executive Officer