Dear Actionmarguerite St. Vital Residents & Families,

We are writing to you today with an update on the outbreaks at Actionmarguerite. A new outbreak has been declared on unité Marguerite at Actionmarguerite St. Vital. General visitors are asked to postpone their visits to the residents of this unit. Essential visitors are invited to visit at their own risk and will be provided with the necessary protective equipment.

The status of the outbreaks is as follows:

Actionmarguerite St. Vital

2nd floor: ongoing respiratory outbreak

Unité Marguerite: respiratory outbreak declared (NEW)

Currently, there are no outbreaks at Actionmarguerite St. Boniface and Actionmarguerite St. Joseph.

What to expect during an outbreak

As you likely know, at Actionmarguerite, we implement outbreak measures as soon as we identify that we have a suspected outbreak in an effort to prevent further transmission. We appreciate your co-operation and assistance in keeping our Actionmarguerite community healthy during the cold and flu season, which now includes COVID-19.


The Actionmarguerite Team