Dear Actionmarguerite St. Boniface residents and families,

We would like to inform you of upcoming changes in the laundry service at Actionmarguerite St. Boniface in an effort to improve this service. As of February 5, 2024, resident clothing will be laundered weekly rather than each day. In addition, each unit will have their “laundry day”.  Residents’ clothing will be laundered together with clothing from their respective unit.

Through this change we aim to improve our laundry services and prevent loss of clothing. This new process may also increase the likelihood of retrieving misplaced clothing.

The laundry schedule will be as follows:

Monday 2ABC
Tuesday 2DE
Wednesday 3ABC
Thursday 3DE
Friday 4ABC
Saturday 4DE
Sunday 5ABC

Going forward, all drawers will be labelled, and residents will need to have enough clothing for 14 days.  If you are in to visit, we encourage you to sort through clothing to determine if there is a need for more clothes. You may also receive notification from a team member indicating that more clothing is needed.

Thank-you for your patience with this transition. We ask that you reach out to the unit nurse and/or social worker should you have any questions or concerns.