Dear Actionmarguerite St. Joseph Resident and Families,

We have become aware of a single COVID-19 positive case in a staff member at Actionmarguerite St. Joseph who last worked December 25 on Unit 1. The employee is isolating at home and is doing well. Investigations and contact tracing are underway.

We will increase monitoring of residents on Unit 1 for the next 10 days. We will not be changing the visitation practices at this time. Currently, only designated family caregivers (also known as essential visitors) are permitted to visit.

We continue to need your full adherence and support to the following measures given the rise in cases and community transmission of COVID-19. We stress the importance of respecting the infection control measures in place for all who enter Actionmarguerite: 

  • Please screen yourself for symptoms prior to each visit, and do not visit if you have any symptoms,
  • When filling out the visitor log, ensure that your entry is complete and legible for contact tracing purposes,
  • Properly wear your mask and goggles at all times while visiting,
  • Perform hand hygiene thoroughly and often.


As we have learned during the pandemic, things can change quickly, and we will notify you as soon as possible should changes be required.

 We thank you for your continued patience, understanding and support.

Please email if you have any questions or concerns.

Micheline St-Hilaire

Chief Executive Officer