Dear residents and families,

We hope that this update finds you well.  With Canada Day around the corner, we are happy to be able to advise of the following changes to our practices at Actionmarguerite.  These changes are effective July 1, 2022.  This should prove to be welcome news in advance of the long weekend!

Physical distancing

  • Physical distancing is recommended, but not required except when individuals are not wearing their mask. Please continue to physically distance during breaks and while eating and drinking.
  • We will maintain the practice of two (2) visitors in a resident room at one time.

Use of personal protective equipment

  • Visitors are no longer required to wear eye protection except in cases where residents are ill.
  • Employees are no longer required to wear eye protection except when a resident requires isolation.
  • Visitors are no longer required to wear masks while visiting outdoors.

Quarantining requirements on admission / re-admission

  • While encouraged, it is no longer required that newly admitted or readmitted residents be isolated in their room for a 10-day period. Residents will be able to leave their room for brief periods during this time.

Recreation / Entertainment

  • The playing of wind instruments and singing with a mask while physically distanced will resume.


As always, please feel free to reach us at with any questions or concerns.

Happy Canada day to all, from the team at Actionmarguerite!