Dear Residents and Families,

We are glad to report that all Actionmarguerite sites remain free of COVID-19 outbreaks. With various activities and events resuming, we can feel a lightness in the air and a renewed joie de vivre. The photos below give a glimpse into the lived experience of residents, families, and staff over the last week.

As a reminder, we are still adhering to the measures in place to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus which is still circulating in the community. Wearing your mask and eye shield, washing your hands thoroughly and often, and keeping a physical distance continue to be needed to keep us safe.

As you may have heard, Manitoba is expecting a heat wave over the next few days. We are asking everyone to pay attention to the ways to meet this warmer weather and to take care. A tip sheet is below for your information. Our teams have been preparing, as we do every summer, to ensure residents and staff members have ways to stay hydrated and cool.

Feel free to reach us at should the need arise.

We conclude today’s message with wishes for time to honour fathers this upcoming Sunday. May your day be blessed!


Chief Executive Officer & the entire Actionmarguerite Team

Hot Weather Tip Sheet