Dear Actionmarguerite Residents and Families,
Currently, 15 personal care homes in Winnipeg have declared outbreaks. We have also learned that hospitalizations are increasing, as are COVID-19 cases in the community. Actionmarguerite therefore continues its commitment to responding to the presence of the virus each and every day.
We are happy to note that no additional outbreaks have been declared and that the outbreak on 4C at Actionmarguerite St. Boniface is declared over. General visits to residents living on 4C may resume starting Saturday, April 23.
An outbreak status is provided below as well an update on Actionmarguerite’s COVID-19 vaccination policy.
Outbreak Status
Actionmarguerite St. Boniface
- Current outbreaks on 3ABC (new) and 4AB.
- Outbreak on 4C is declared over.
- One (1) death has been linked to the outbreaks.
- Twenty-eight (28) residents have been deemed recovered.
- Three (3) additional residents have tested positive for a total of nineteen (19) active cases.
- General visits are suspended on these outbreak units.
- Designated family caregivers (essential visitors) are welcome to visit at their own risk and are asked to wear the personal protective equipment provided during the entirety of their visit.
Actionmarguerite St. Vital
- No current outbreak
Actionmarguerite St. Joseph
- No current outbreak
Actionmarguerite’s COVID-19 Policy Update
We wrote in the March 10th family update that we would take time to discern the continued need for Actionmarguerite’s COVID-19 vaccination policy. Our discernment process has revealed the following decisions:
- Actionmarguerite will maintain its vaccination policy for the time being.
- Proof of vaccination will continue to be required upon entry.
- Recognizing the importance of family presence, exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for designated family caregivers. We ask that designated family caregivers who are unvaccinated reach out to the Director of Care to begin these conversations. For Actionmarguerite St. Boniface – Josée Fournier, for Actionmarguerite St. Vital – Philibert Ruberandinda, and for Actionmarguerite St. Joseph – Stephen Tautjo.
- A reminder that our visiting shelters are available to both vaccinated and unvaccinated visitors. Please book your appointments through our reservations team:
- Actionmarguerite St. Boniface, 185 Despins: (204) 235-4605 or
- Actionmarguerite St. Vital, 450 River: (204) 254-9357 or
- Actionmarguerite St. Joseph, 1149 Leila: (204) 914-1952 or
A reminder of the following measures which continue to be in effect:
- Please do not visiting Actionmarguerite if you are sick.
- Let us know if you test positive for COVID-19 and have visited recently so that we can determine the risk to residents and staff.
- Wear the personal protective equipment provided at all times during your visit.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.
- Wear a mask while out in public.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
Wishing you well,
Micheline St-Hilaire, Chief Executive Officer and the entire Actionmarguerite team