At Actionmarguerite, we are continuously discerning how best to balance the need for protection against the virus and everyone’s quality of life.  Although we cannot yet begin the loosening of all the measures put in place at Actionmarguerite, we have been re-evaluating the ones that can be adapted given that the majority of our outbreaks have resolved or will be resolved shortly. Vigilance is required as the risk of a resurgence continues.

Today, we are glad to announce that there are no new residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 at any of the Actionmarguerite sites since our last update.  More and more residents are deemed recovered, and all but one staff member have recovered.

Outbreak Status 

Actionmarguerite St. Boniface

  • Outbreaks have been resolved on 2AB, 2C, 3ABC, 4AB and 3DE.
  • Units 4C, 5AB, 5C, 2DE and 4DE still have active outbreaks which are expected to be resolved in the next week.
  • Three (3) deaths have been linked to the outbreaks.
  • Ninety (90) residents have been deemed recovered.
  • No additional residents have tested positive for a total of eight (8) active cases.
  • Eighty-one (81) staff members have tested positive, and eighty-one (81) of them have since recovered.

Actionmarguerite St. Vital

  • The outbreaks on the 2nd floor & 3rd floor are resolved.

Actionmarguerite St. Joseph

  • One (1) unit has an active outbreak (1st floor).
  • Four (4) deaths have been linked to the outbreak.
  • Eighteen (18) residents have been deemed recovered.
  • No additional residents have tested positive for a total of one (1) active case.
  • Thirty-two (32) staff members have tested positive, and thirty-one (31) have since recovered.

Expanding the Presence of Designated Family Caregivers (Essential Visitors)

As we are nearing the resolution of outbreaks at all Actionmarguerite sites, we are able to resume, with precautions, the presence of the two (2) essential visitors per resident, visiting one at a time in the resident’s room.

  • This change will be effective as follows:

At the time of your first visit, you will be asked to sign a pledge stating that you have reviewed all of the information contained in the attached videos and are aware that you are visiting knowing the risks involved.

  • Please remember that you must present your vaccination card at each visit. The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) prevents us from keeping a record of a family member’s personal medical information.
  • At this time, we do not know when general visits will resume. We are currently evaluating ways to make these visits possible.  Virtual visits can still be arranged at:
  • Exceptions to visit restrictions will be made in end-of-life situations.

As always, we stress the importance of adhering to the infection control measures in place for all individuals entering Actionmarguerite as there continues to be community transmission of the virus and COVID-19.  Adhering to the protocols remains essential to prevent further outbreaks:

  • Please ensure that you screen yourself for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before each visit and do not visit if you have symptoms.
  • Wear your mask and full-face shield properly at all times during the visit.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
  • If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, please notify us immediately. This will allow us to do the necessary follow-ups to prevent the spread of the virus.

As always, please email if you have any questions or concerns.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to welcoming designated family caregivers once again. As things can change quickly, we will keep you informed should the need arise to adapt the visitation in the event of other outbreaks.

With warm regards,

Micheline St-Hilaire, Chief Executive Officer & the entire Actionmarguerite Team